Indonesia is the largest
archipelagic country in the world with more than seventeen thousand islands
with a population of 280 million people. Indonesia is also the country with the
4th largest population in the world. With this amount, Indonesia has a large
domestic market potential and is supported by large investment opportunities.
According to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), during January-December
2023, Indonesia's investment realization reached IDR. 1,418.9 trillion or grew
17.5% from the previous year. Almost half of the total investment is located in
Java (49.4%) and the rest is outside Java.
Java is the main and most
developed island where most of Indonesia's population lives and most of the
business activities and government centers are located. Central Java is one of
the best provinces in Indonesia which experiences significant growth every
year. Central Java itself is increasingly becoming an attractive investment
location with the support of easy mobility and logistics facilities which are
now connected along the roads of Java Island. With the existence of the Trans
Java Toll Road, Central Java has now become a logistics hub for the western
side of Java (as the economic center of Java Island) and also for the eastern
side of Java (as the exit gate to the Eastern Indonesia market). This is the
reason many investors are interested in investing in Central Java.
Central Java itself is the
4th largest contributor to the economy in Indonesia with positive economic
growth every year. In 2023, Central Java's GRDP grow by 4.98%. Central Java's
greatest growth is driven by the Manufacturing, Trade, Agriculture, and Construction
sectors. The development of the regional economy certainly cannot be separated
from the growth in investment value in Central Java, including Domestic Direct
Investment (DDI) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).