Minister of Industry Agus Named Kendal Industrial Park as the Best New Industrial Area in Indonesia
Kendal Industrial Park successfully won an award at the "2023 Resilience and Sustainable Industry (ARSI) Appreciation" event organized by the Ministry

Transmission Pipeline Gas Cisem-1 Officially Started Flowing Into Kendal Industrial Park, Toll Fee Allow Industries in KIP Get Cheaper Gas Prices
The natural gas transmission and distribution pipeline from the Cisem-1 pipeline officially started flowing into Kendal Industrial Park on Friday,

Became One of The World’s Biggest Creators of Innovative, PT Polygroup Manufaktur Indonesia Built Christmas Trees and Lights Factory in Kendal Industrial Park
Kendal, September 8th, 2023 - Groundbreaking ceremony PT Polygroup Manufaktur Indonesia at Kendal Industrial Park on Friday, September, 8th 202

KIP fire trucks responsive to help handle land fires in Kaliwungu
Thursday, September 7th, 2023, a fire truck and a water tanker belonging to the Kendal Industrial Park swiftly helped extinguish the fire during the

Supporting New Energy Development, Sinar Mas Inaugurates Integrated Solar Cell and Solar Module Factory
Kendal, August 28, 2023 -- Sinar Mas has provided support for the accelerated development and use of new and renewable energy in Indonesia through P

Minister of Trade and Industry of Singapore Together with the Coordinating Minister for Economyic Affairs of Indonesia Attend the Groundbreaking of PT Dongjin Textile Indonesia at Kendal SEZ
Kendal, 18 August 2023 --- On the agenda for the visit of the Minister of Trade and Industry of Singapore, Gan Kim Yong to Indonesia, he took the ti